Basic Information
The School of Engineering & Physical Sciences provides high-performance computing labs to our students.
To ensure a good experience for everyone, please adhere to the lab rules.
Specification and more information on each lab can be found here.
SoCS students will frequently have timetabled workshops in these labs, but you are welcome to use these facilities anytime.
Due to how the attendance monitoring system works, students are unable to register their attendance from the lab machines, and must instead use a mobile device connected to the eduroam
wifi network. Please see the information from Digital Technologies on how to connect.
Deep Freeze
Lab PCs have software called Deep Freeze installed, which causes the PC to revert to a pre-defined state when restarted.
This allows us to give students full admin control over the PCs, meaning you can install anything and experiment without fear of breaking the PC.
This means that any work saved on the PC will be deleted upon restart, so do ensure that any work is saved either on your university OneDrive account, or an external hard drive.
Splashtop Remote Lab
SEPS have a selection of lab machines that can be accessed remotely via Splashtop.
These machines are identical to the physical lab machines, and are also configured with Deep Freeze.
We request that students only use Splashtop when unable to attend the lab in person, to ensure that there are always Splashtop machines available to the students who need them most.
Please see the documentation by Digital Technologies for information on how to use Splashtop.
Should you have any issues using the computing labs, please feel free to contact us.
Please also provide us feedback so we can continue to improve the student experience!